GLOBAL: Syria Civil War
The Syria Civil War started in 2011 when various groups rebelled the current president, Bashar al-Assad. The current president has been in power since 2000. His father was president from 1970-2000. According to the UN 400,000 people have already died, 5 millions have fled and over 6 millions are displaced within Syria. There are currently four main groups fighting in this war ISIS, Kurdish forces, the Assad regime and Jaish al Fatah.
The war is condemn by the US, the UN, the Arab League, European Union and many others. The US, European Union, Arab League, and Turkey tried imposing sanctions on Syria in the beginning of the war. However, Russia and China remained on the other side.
In 2012, there was a ceasefire while negotiations were in process to stop the war as well as a request for Assad to step down as president. The negotiations seemed to have been accept however after the Houla massacre the ceasefire deteriorated. In early 2013 Assad refused to step down as president. Note during 2012 Turkey and Israel were affect by the war as Syrian shelling killed five people in a boarding Turkey town and hit an Israeli military base.
In 2013, evidence was found that Syria was using chemical agents against their own people. This caused outrage among many countries including the UN, the US, and European Union. At this point Obama steps in. The UN and the US enter Syria to investigate the claims of chemical weapons. After finding evidence of chemical weapons Obama asks congress for authorization for military actions. At the same time Syria agrees to Russia's proposal to give up control on chemical weapons.
At this point while Obama states he will take military actions in Syria but will not send in troops. Russia and the US agrees to a plan to stop chemical weapons in Syria.
In 2014, Assad is re-elected with a supposed 88.7% of votes. A few months later the US and allies attack ISIS targets in Syria.
In 2015, Russia builds an operation base in western Syria by request of the Syrian government though by 2016 they begin to remove troops after Assad claims Russia has helped Syria reclaimed territory claimed by terrorist. It is during this time that Syria is in a ceasefire to allow foreign help for victims into the country.
Then September 15, 2016, 23 people were killed during an airstrike on Syria's and the US and Russia blame each other ending the ceasefire.
After a series of airstrike another ceasefire was put into effect but collapsed after a day at the end of 2016.
On April 4, 2017, civilians were killed by chemical agents after supposedly a bombed chemical based released the toxins into the air. There are claims that this was actually an attack by Syrian government and the US responded by airstrike on a Syrian airbase on April 6th.
In May 2017, an agreement to create four 'de-escalation zone' in Syria was signed by Iran, Turkey and Russia.
On May 18, 2017, the US struck a convoy of pro-Syrian forces that were heading towards the US base at the al-Tanf. It is here that the US forces trains anti-government rebels.
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